
Rallarvegen is the ultimate cycling experience and has emerged as one of the most popular cycling routes in the country.

The trip stretches from Haugastøl in the east to Flåm in the west and is approximately 8 miles. An alternative route goes to Voss. Rallarvegen is "a little piece of Norway". The cycle route starts in the high mountains, continues past the Hardangerjøkulen glacier, passes large rivers with meltwater from the mountains, goes through the wild Flåm valley with waterfalls and ends in the beautiful and well-known Norwegian fjord landscape.

The Rallarvegen trail not only offers powerful scenery, it is also a journey through fascinating culture and history. A good tip is to take the train from Flåm to Myrdal, and then cycle back down.

Photo: Sverre Hjørnevik/visitnorway.com